Have you ever thought you would be trapped in your house because of the virus ? Probably not. Well, neither did I but we had to adapt to our new temporary life. In this article I’ll write about how we spent our quarantine days and the things we did.


At the beginning of the quarantine the media spread the news that we must stay in our houses and apartments. This measure really shocked us, especially those who love going out, exploring the nature and travelling.

We spent time with our family playing different kinds of games and talking. Shopping was different than usual and limited, only groceryies on top of that we need to wear masks.


When measures were relieved we went out and explored the nature, went cycling, running basically we did a lot of sports.


Despite the quarantine our education continued through the internet. It’s not the same as it was before but we sure are doing our best at it to make it work. Our parents work from home or they don’t work at all.


So, did quarantine really changed our lifestyle ? Well it did but not so much, we needed to adapt to many changes and measures but we got through it and day by day measures are smaller.

Nermin Mulič, 2.b